Saki's resort town

Saki — the city in the Crimea. Saki's city is the center of the Saksky area, but itself into structure of the area doesn't enter, and is one of 11 cities of republican submission. There is Saki's city on the Western coast of the Crimea in 4-5 km from the Black Sea, in 45 km from the capital of the Crimea of Simferopol. Pride of the city of Saki is the Resort park which was put in 1890. Area of the Saksky park complex about 50 hectares. Now in Saksky resort park over 30 sculptural compositions, betraying to park unique color. On all park beautiful beds with flowers, shady benches, arbors with climbers.
In the territory of Saksky Resort park of park sanatoria settled down: "Saksky central military clinical sanatorium of Pirogov", sanatorium of a name of academician N. N. Burdenko, sanatorium "Sakropol" and "Saki's" sanatorium. Now Saki - the unique recreational and improving complex which has received the status of the resort of the state value. The complex totals 14 sanatorium and improving establishments, from which five - all-the-year-round.

Stay in the Saksky resort gives considerable relief or an absolute recovery to the people having heavy chronic illnesses. All medical experience stored for much years and the latest developments of medicine are placed in Sakakh in the service health. Climate in Sakakh rather soft, moderately continental, without sharp fluctuations of temperature and pressure of air. It allows to carry out the most part of year a climatotherapy. In the summer air well gets warm; the average temperature makes +20... +22 °C.
Winter in Sakakh moderately cold, with average air temperature near 0°С. The mid-annual temperature is equal + 12,2 °C.
The big role in weather change in Sakakh is played by winds. Prevailing winds are northeast and southwest: the first are more often observed in the winter and accompanied by frosts whereas southwest winds involve a drowning and frequent loss of a precipitation. Besides, in Sakakh there are also local winds - breezes with the correct periodic (daily) change of speeds and the directions. In clear quiet days when the land heats up much more strongly than the sea, the air stream from the sea - the light sea breezes reaching at noon greatest skorosti.ozdorovitelny establishments, from which five - all-the-year-round is observed.

At sunset the wind abates, absolutely (calm) in the evenings stops. In days with breezes humidity of air increases.
The sun in Sakakh shines more than 2500 thousand hours in a year. The greatest number of sunny days falls on the period from April to October. In the Crimea 26 fields of medical dirt and the high-mineralized brines (brine), and also more than 100 fields and sources of mineral waters of a various chemical composition are located. The most known operating field of medical dirt in the Crimea is Saksky, located in the resort with the same name on the western coast of the Crimea. Ilovye sulphidic mineral dirt of the Saksky field is the most known in practice of mud cure.
   Balneal treatment is carried out in all-resort mud baths. Thousand the women who have received medical treatment in the resort of Saki. learned pleasure of motherhood. Thousand men returned themselves zdorovye.dostigayushchy at noon to the greatest skorosti.ozdorovitelny establishments, from which five - all-the-year-round.

 High medical qualities of saksky dirt are defined by their unique chemical composition and the maintenance of biologically active components. Their stocks are huge and make 4,5 млн.м.куб., will allow to maintain without a damage a reservoir not one hundred years. The field of the lake of Saki represents scientific interest and for experts in the field of resort hydrogeology as the unique mineral mud reservoir of the Crimea and Ukraine where since 1926 continuous monitoring of quality of natural medical resources functions.
      Not less important medical factor is the brine of the Saksky salty lake, the content of salts in which reaches 200 mg/l and which possesses medical properties similar to medical dirt. ых five - all-the-year-round.

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