Alupka — the city on the Southern Coast of the Crimea. Alupka is in 17 km from Yalta, on the southern slope of the Crimean Mountains, at a mountain foot Ah-Petri. Alupka — Youzhny Berega Kryma's known seaside climatic resort. A charm of the resort of Alupk in silence, rest, curative air, in greens of Vorontsovsky park, in twisting small streets of the old city. Being buried in verdure gardens, twisting small streets of the city as if on steps go down to the sea. Numerous hotels, boarding houses, rest houses and sanatoria are ready to meet all the year round with pleasure the lodgers. The pebble beaches, the developed infrastructure of rest, various water attractions and cultural programs will satisfy the most exacting taste. You will be subdued by beauty of the Vorontsovsky palace, walks on avenues of magnificent park will bring a pacification and tranquillity in soul. Greatness of tops Ah-Petri will forever be stamped on the memory fine, regal landscapes. Climate in Alupka soft without sharp fluctuations, Alupk it is reliable it is protected from norths by a ridge of the Crimean Mountains.
Average temperature of January-February +3. +4°С, August +24,6°С. A precipitation — 400 mm year, quantity of a sundial in a year — 2 150, relative humidity of air — 69 %. The swimming season in Alupka proceeds from March to October (average water temperature in the summer +22. +28 ° C).
Alupka's filled with a resinous smell of a pine and aroma of park plants the air, in a combination to light sea breezes, is an important medical factor of rest in Alupka. Alupka - second-large and the importance the resort of a zone of Big Yalta, located in 17 km from it.
From Alupk's sea looks a huge stone ladder at which wide "steps" the city over which the gear top Ah-Petri undividedly reigns took place. From the East and Alupk's West it is separated from the nearby resort settlements of the Crimea - Miskhora and Simeiza - capes far pressing in the sea. From the North over Alupka the mountain ridge which in this place especially close approaches to the sea towers.
In the winter in Alupka is warmer, than in Yalta, more sunny days in a year at rather low humidity of air. Alupka's flora and her vicinities is presented by types, the general with the Mediterranean flora (palm trees, oleanders, magnolias, a rockrose, a zemlyanichnik melkoplodny, etc.), fruit trees (almonds, a fig, a persimmon, an apricot, a peach, etc.), coniferous breeds (a cedar, a fir-tree, a pine; the pine Crimean (or Pallasa) forms over Alupka huge forests), and also typical representatives of the Crimean flora (an oak fluffy, a grabinnik, a pistachio, a juniper). The air sated фитонцидами and talassofilny elements - the main component of a curative microclimate of this district.
Alupka totals 14 sanatoria most popular of which are Alupkinsky military sanatorium, sanatorium "Mountain", sanatorium "Yuzhnoberezhny". Alupka here provides more than two hundred years effective treatment of bone tuberculosis and diseases of lungs as the local climate is for this purpose especially favorable. Alupka besides provides treatment cardiovascular and central nervous systems which is led not less successfully. Besides sanatoria, in this heavenly spot a set of boarding houses, hotels, country houses - for all tastes and the budget.
Alupka's beaches represent a narrow strip of large pebble. Probably they are less convenient, than beaches of east and western coast of the Crimea, but are fantastically picturesque! From water rocks and stones rise, and the underwater world strikes with the beauty. This one more, than Alupka - responses of fans of diving (or simply divings with a mask and flippers) the most enthusiastic is remarkable! Alupka is improbably beautiful nature, soft climate, curative air, silence and a pacification of gardens and parks, these are narrow twisting small streets of the resort small town. And at last, it is a world famous Vorontsovsky palace and magnificent Vorontsovsky park with its solar glades, shady avenues, small rivers and falls, swan lakes! And a crown crowning this beauty Ah-Petri! Here that such Alupka... Rest in this a heavenly spot will bring pleasure and healing - to soul and a body. Come, and you are convinced of it sami.nasyshchenny фитонцидами and talassofilny elements - the main component of a curative microclimate of this district.
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